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PB Minutes, 11/4/14
NOVEMBER 3, 2014

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Monday, November 11, 2014 at 4:30 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Michael Caggiano, Mr. Doggett, and Mr. Oosthoek.  Also present was Finance Director Sarah Stanton and Assistant Parking Director Alan Sullaway.

Mr. Oosthoek made a motion to approve the minutes of August 4, 2014.   Mr. Doggett seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

A letter was provided by Mayor Kimberley Driscoll.

Mr. Doggett made motion to approve a parking rate of $4/day for the lot at 297 Bridge Street, Monday thru Saturday, starting November 4, 2014 in effect for the remainder of the time that the lot is used for parking.

Mr. Oosthoek seconded the motion.

Mr. Doggett stated that he was pleasantly surprised that the Board was being asked to approve the rate.  He stated that he understood rates were set by the council, that he read the ordinance relative to the Parking Board powers and that he learned that the Board is responsible.  He stated that the question is when new parking plan went into effect, whether the Board voted on the rates, including those for the parking garage.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the Board recommends the rates and the City Council approves them.

Mr. Doggett stated that it was not clear if it happened that way.

The motion for the parking rate at 297 Bridge Street lot were voted on, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Sample sign designs were provided.  

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the business tenants are trying to make it easier to find the mall from the garage to the elevator and stairwells.

Ms. Stanton stated that the garage is owned by the City and that she understood that any signage, as advertising, would be owned by the city and there for subject to public bid.  To include specific business or entity names, would make it advertising and the Purchasing agent would have to put out to bid as advertisement.  She noted that other businesses could protest that it is advertisement.

Judith Lazdowski from Glass & Etc. was present and represented the tenants interested in updating the signage.  She stated that currently there are signs on the second and third levels outside the elevators directing people to the Visitor Center.  The signs in the stairwells direct people to use the elevators after 8:00 at night, but the elevators are shut off after 8, so the information on the sign is no longer applicable.  They plan to put the new sign over the old.

Ms. Stanton stated that the signs would have to be generic and that once it mentions a specific business or location, it is considered an advertisement.

Ms. Lazdowski asked if it could say the Visitor Center.  Ms. Stanton replied in the affirmative, noting it was federal property.

Mr. Caggiano asked if the signs could say museums, visitor center, shops and restaurants.

Ms. Stanton replied in the affirmative.  

Mr. Caggiano stated that the goal is not to advertise, but the goal is to direct people down to the mall level.  

Ms. Stanton stated that it can’t say a specific name and felt that they would want uniform signage anyway.

Mr. Oosthoek asked if a donation of signs that are generic can be accepted.

Ms. Stanton replied that she did not believe so.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that it would therefore need to come out of the budget.

Mr. Caggiano suggested Ms. Lazdowski  go back to the merchants and let them know that it would need to be generic sign in order for the Board to consider the signage.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the arrow should be taken off of elevator sign.  He stated if we can’t accept a donation of signs, that there will be a need to look at budget and find money.

Ms. Lazdowski stated that the cost is approximately $1400 for all the signs.

Ms. Stanton stated that ownership of signs becomes a little muddy if donated.  She stated that she would have to look into it.

Mr. Caggiano asked how many signs.

Ms. Lazdowski stated that it would be one in each elevator and four on each floor for a total of 18 signs.

Mr. Caggiano stated that the topic will be placed on the next agenda.

Mr. Doggett asked who would own and be responsible for the signs.

Ms. Stanton stated that it would need to be looked into.

Ms. Lazdowski stated that the current sign in each stairwell regarding taking elevator needs to come out.

Mr. Sullaway will check into it.

Ms. Guy read an e-mail she received from Councillor McCarthy requested that the Board consider discounted garage passes for permanently disabled persons and veterans.

Mr. Sullaway stated that the cost is currently $65 for a passcard, with seniors 65+ paying $30, and with seniors 65+ with license showing they are a Salem resident paying $25.  Coupon books are $65 for12 stamps for 12 hours each, which breaks down to $3.25/day.

Ms. Stanton noted that handicapped parking at meters are free per Massachusetts General Law and that persons with a plate or placard can stay all day.  She noted that parking revenue is down 22% from last year.

Mr. Sullaway stated that for someone with a plate or placard, it would be easier to park on the street.  He noted that there are handicapped spaces near the elevators, but there is still a cost to enter the garage.

Mr. Oosthoek stated he would prefer to discuss the two populations separately.

Mr. Doggett stated that he would like to know how it works with a Charlie Pass and was concerned with doing something piecemeal.  He stated that he did not see anything wrong with someone asking for a discount, but questioned if there is a general policy the Board can look at for different constituencies.

Mr. Caggiano wondered why a disabled person would get a discount for a Charlie Pass, wondering if the philosophy is that they may not be employed.  

Ms. Guy noted that the federal government considers disabled adults to be low to moderate income automatically, just like they do seniors.

Mr. Doggett noted that if a discount is given to one person, someone else would have to make up for it.

Ms. Stanton stated that it is cutting further and further into revenues which is ill-advised from a Finance Director’s point of view or if you are a Salem  taxpayer.

Mr. Oosthoek suggested asking the City’s Commission on Disabilities what the generally accepted principals are for doing this.

Mr. Caggiano stated that they can park for free at meters.

Mr. Sullaway stated that there are meters in front of the mall, where they can stay there all day.   If they want to park in the garage, there are coupon books that are very reasonable and are already in place.

Mr. Doggett stated that we may not want to encourage people to tie up a meter all day.

Mr. Caggiano suggested inviting Councilor McCarthy in, because he obviously has a constituent who requested this.  He wondered how many people this would affect, how many are disabled and why someone would buy a pass, unless they lived there.

Mr. Sullaway stated that in bad weather everyone pays the snow emergency rate.

Ms. Guy stated that another possibility is to avoid rain.  She noted that a lot of handicapped vehicles won’t fit in the garage.

Mr. Caggiano stated that he would be in favor of a discount for disabled, but not for veterans.  He did not feel it would be a huge amount of people.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the handicapped spaces in front of his office are taken up all the time, every day.  He stated that they could ask the Finance Director to provide an economic impact statement on what this might mean in terms of reduced revenue.

Ms. Stanton noted that it is cumulative and adds up quickly.

Mr. Oosthoek suggested asking Councillor McCarthy for more information regarding his request.

Ms. Stanton stated that she would contact Councillor McCarthy.

Mr. Sullaway provided the revenue reports through September, 2014.

Mr. Oosthoek asked if there was an indication on the revenues for October.  

Ms. Stanton stated that revenues were down in October from last year - about 13%.

Mr. Doggett asked if there were any trends.

Mr. Caggiano noted that changes in the revenue can be weather related.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that a four week month versus a five week month also makes difference.

Ms. Stanton noted that the half hour of free parking is hurting revenues.

There was no unfinished business

Mr. Caggiano stated that for next meeting, he would like the agenda to include a discussion on Zone 1 passes.  He suggested that the members look at the unused spaces at Riley Plaza, noting that the spaces near Starbucks fill up and the overflow goes to Riley Plaza.

Mr. Sullaway stated that the proposed new redevelopment will take away some of those Zone 1 spaces.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that we don’t market passes well enough and that no one is managing the comprehensive plan.  He stated that it keeps coming back to that.  He noted that a lot of people have no clue about the passes and that he continue to challenge who is in charge of the comprehensive plan.

Mr. Doggett stated that the website needs an update, noting that it still notes the winner of free parking pass from two years ago.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the map needs updating.

Mr. Caggiano suggested printing off pages from the website, and correcting them at the next meeting so that Ms. Guy can make the website changes.

Mr. Oosthoek asked the status of hiring a new Parking Director.

Ms. Stanton stated that the long term goal is for there to be a Director of Traffic and Parking.  However, this would require City Council approval.  She stated that they are still reviewing resumes and trying to understand what the growth of the position will be for the long term.  She noted that Somerville has been very successful.  

Mr. Oosthoek stated that the Chamber of Commerce has also suggested that the Mayor revisit the position.

Ms. Stanton stated that the City Council has limited meetings in November and December.

Mr. Caggiano stated that there has been a lot of work done in the last 5 years and that it is moving in right direction.  He stated that the goal is to remove the stigma that people can’t park in Salem.  

Ms. Stanton stated that there are City Councilors that have expressed an interest in reviewing the entire parking system.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that parking department meter collectors are dealing with a lot of money, and asked how the city protects employees from false accusations.

Ms. Stanton stated that the nature of money collection is that there can be nothing put in place that prevents accusations.  She stated that there are a lot of fraud risk policies in place, including the way we do money collection on a day to day basis and improved reconciliation.  She is hoping in the next couple of years for an investment in a greater form of meter collection and is assuming that the new director will work with her and the City’s fraud risk analyst to improve it further.  She stated that there are a lot of safeguards in place, but no system is foolproof.  There has been a lot of good faith effort to improve the way things are done.  She also to make sure the employees have the proper policies and procedures so that they don’t make poor choices, noting that she is worried about accusations, but also must be concerned with identifying theft early on. Ms. Stanton stated that there are good faith efforts on both sides to make sure the city is protected from a fraud risk perspective, but also to make sure that our employees are protected from outside accusations.

Mr. Oosthoek stated that modernization is important.

Mr. Oosthoek asked if the City managed to piggyback with the MBTA.

Ms. Stanton stated the MBTA sought opinions and that one opinion says we are eligible and another says we are not.  She stated that they continue to look into it, along with prices.

Mr. Caggiano stated that Salem High School music boosters were authorized to staff the former Universal Steel lot and that he received question s about use by other groups.  He noted that the answer was that the boosters made the request.  He noted that it should be available to other groups, if requested.

Ms. Stanton stated that, if it becomes an issue, there may need to be a rotating schedule.

Mr. Sullaway noted that it is going to be a kiosked lot.

Mr. Doggett added that it will be only a temporary kiosked lot, until it is developed.

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for December 1, 2014.  

There being no further business, Mr. Doggett made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Oosthoek seconded the motion; all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy